Vision & Roadmap

Betherance's Vision

We envision a future where anyone will be able to create any kind of wager and have a fair chance to win with a decent payment rate – without traditional bookmakers collecting a large fee. We want a community-driven ecosystem that will create the future of betting while rewarding users for being a part of it. We intend to become the first decentralized betting platform in the world that will allow users to create custom bets. Results will be validated in two ways: by making use of our innovative validation protocol (BVP), which empowers and incentivizes trusted users to help validate bets, or via our Betherance Oracles, composed of the best partners in the industry. In the end, Betherance will make open and trustworthy betting governance a reality.


To accomplish our goal of making betting governance become a reality, these are our first steps.

Last updated